Offers & Promos

Can I Exchange Something?

Did you get the wrong thing, or just the wrong colour? Then you’re welcome to send it back to us within 30 days and free of charge to swap it for something else.

How Does it Work?

Say you ordered a red guitar, but you decide you want a black one instead. Or, maybe you ordered a drum kit, but now you definitely know that you want a drum machine. Since we offer a 30-day trial period on almost everything, sending something back to exchange it is never a problem.

  • Please read all the info about our 30-Day Trial Period so you know what you can return and how long you have to return it.
  • If you want to send something back for an exchange, you can use our standard returns service within 30 days of initial delivery.
  • When you fill in your return request form, make sure to tick the box next to Exchange and add the name of the item you want to exchange for.
  • If the new item is cheaper than the one you're returning, you'll be refunded the difference. Please see our Returns page for more info.
  • If the new item is more expensive than the one you're returning, we’ll send you a secure payment link via email so you can settle the difference. Once the payment is made and the return is on its way back to us, we will send the new item out to you.

More Info

> Gear Recycling Service

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