For many pianists, having their own grand or even upright piano in the living room is simply an unattainable dream. Traditional acoustic pianos don't just eat up a lot of space, but cost a lot of money. Luckily, digital pianos not only present a cheaper alternative, but a pretty convincing one.
The Digital Piano: An Introduction
Most digital pianos have a full-sized keyboard with 88 keys; a built-in sound system; and a large cabinet that's usually a touch smaller than an acoustic upright. Instead of generating sound by striking little hammers against a set of strings, digital pianos produce sound via microchips, which makes them more closely related to the keyboard or synthesizer. The main difference is that keyboards always come crammed with a small mountain of different sounds (pianos, strings, wind instruments, drums, guitars, etc.), and synthesizers can be tweaked and manipulated to create entirely custom sounds. The internal memory of a digital piano, on the other hand, is entirely devoted to creating as convincing a piano sound as possible. So you can definitely expect the sound of a digital piano to be far better than the piano sound of your average keyboard.
The Electric Piano Concept
While it is sometimes referred to as an electric piano, this term makes the digital piano sound a bit dated. It's also not quite correct. Electric pianos work in a slightly different way, and you can even hear the difference when you select the 'EPiano' sound on a keyboard. Electric pianos actually have a rich history, which includes legendary models like the Fender Rhodes and the Yamaha CP-80, neither of which, as great as they are, sound that much like a real acoustic piano. Synthesizers like the Yamaha DX models synthesize something akin to an acoustic piano via FM synthesis, but again, don't come close the resonance of the real deal. For that, you'll need a digital piano, which is solely focussed on mimicking the sound of hammers hitting strings.
How Do Digital Pianos Generate Sound?: Samples
Sample-based sound generation is the most common when it comes to digital pianos. Samples are basically short recordings, so each individual note of a real piano is sampled and then triggered by the keyboard of the digital piano - a technique that's actually been used by synthesizers and keyboards for decades already. The quality of sound depends on the memory size and the processor speed of the model - the bigger the memory, the better the sound. Since processors are only getting faster, and memory capacity is only getting bigger, digital pianos are only sounding better and better.
How Do Digital Pianos Generate Sound?: Physical Modelling
While all high-end Roland models definitely do, not all digital pianos use the physical modelling method. Here, sound isn't simply produced by playing back samples saved to a massive internal memory. Instead, the sound is generated in real-time as a result of calculations that emulate the physical parts of a real acoustic piano, such as the length of the strings, the material of the hammers, and the size of the cabinet. The overwhelming benefit of going for a digital piano capable of physical modelling is that you don't just get the sound of a real piano, but the behaviour and response a real piano.
Maximum Polyphony
The maximum polyphony is actually something you no longer need to consider when picking out a digital piano. The polyphony determines the number of notes that can be played at the same time, and in the case of digital pianos, depends on the method of sound generation. With physical modelling, the ability to play all 88 keys at once is enough, but in practical terms isn't necessary, unless you somehow manage to lie across the entire keyboard. With sampling pianos, things are a little different. Here, a polyphony of 128 or even 256 might be necessary, since you're not just dealing with 88 individual notes, but 88 individual notes plus other effects. When a sustain pedal is thrown into the mix, for example, the initial sample is played at the same time as a sample repeated twice on a different track, even if the note is only sustained for a short period. Of course, the polyphony only comes into play in more extreme situations, because you're unlikely to need a polyphony of 256 to get through a rendition of Mozart's Turkish March. Applying sustain to physical modelling pianos works differently. Here, the sustain is a physical parameter that's added to the total calculation to produce the sound. All current digital pianos have a high polyphony anyway, no matter the method of sound generation.
What Matters: The Piano in the Digital Piano
The sound of a digital piano remains an essential point; if not the most essential. Sample-based digital pianos will always come loaded with samples of a real acoustic grand piano, which comes with a lot of perks when compared to a standard acoustic upright, since it essentially puts the richer, deeper, and bigger sound of a grand piano in the corner of your living room. The rest is simple maths: what kind of acoustic piano can you get for £1,000? Maybe an oldish upright. And what kind of digital piano can you get for £1,000? The sound of a concert grand that would usually set you back at least three times as much, and usually, it's a stunning Yamaha, Bösendorfer, Steinway or Fazioli concert grand - all instruments that would make any pianist swoon, and usually captured and sampled in outstanding quality.
What Else Can a Digital Piano Do?
Often, digital pianos will offer a few other sounds. These are nice little extras, and usually won't reach exactly the same level of quality as the main piano sound. They tend to include other piano-style instruments like electric pianos, vibraphones, marimbas, jazz and church organs, as well as strings, and choirs. Ultimately, what you get in terms of these extras depends on the price of the model. More expensive models will offer more, but if you want to combine any of those extra sounds with the main piano sound, then bear in mind that the polyphony will need to go way up, which is exactly why the maximum polyphony of many current digital pianos is already through the roof.
The Extra Functions of Digital Pianos
There can be a stark difference between digital pianos when it comes to functions. One model might have a completely stripped back and focussed design, while another might offer masses of extra functions to play with. Besides extra sounds, some digital pianos feature integrated sequencers, so pianists can record and experiment. Some include a keyboard split function, where the keyboard is literally split into two halves in the same key - an excellent tool for piano teachers - the teacher plays a piece on one side while the student follows on the other side. Many digital pianos also come fitted with two headphone outputs, so students can take their lessons without bothering their neighbours. It's because of additional features like this that many beginner pianists start learning their craft with the help of a digital piano.
The Lightweight Digital Piano
One of the biggest advantages of favouring a digital over an acoustic piano, is that they're often much lighter and easier to move. The average acoustic piano weighs around 200 kilos, and a grand piano weighs even more, so either is best carefully placed and left where they are for a good ten years or so. A digital piano, on the other hand, is far more lightweight and usually comes packed in a box including a flat-pack frame that you can assemble yourself, and naturally, the piano can moved and positioned with far more ease.
Frequently Asked Question About Digital Pianos
What's the best digital piano?
This is more a question of how much you're willing to pay. A more expensive digital piano will have a more deluxe look, a better speaker system, more sounds and functions, and will simply sound better. As soon as the price starts to drop, some of these features will start to fall away as well, so it basically depends on what cuts you're willing to make. This is always a personal choice. Beginner pianists tend not to notice the subtle differences in sound quality when comparing expensive and cheaper digital pianos and don't necessarily need an array of functions to start learning.
Isn't it better to just get a more expensive digital piano?
Largely, we advise people to think about what they might want in the future. You don't go buying a digital piano every day, so it's likely that you're buying an instrument that's going to stand in your living room for a few years or even a few decades. Children tend to start piano lessons at around seven-years-old, but after a year or ten years, they might want to do something different. Basically, if you were to spend another £500 on a piano, then you can see it as paying an extra £50 per year, so the question you need to ask yourself is: would you be willing to pay £50 a year extra for a model that's better than the one you first had in mind? As you advance as a pianist, you're more likely to start noticing the difference in sound between a cheaper and more expensive model, which might be reason enough to spend a little more.
What's the best digital piano for beginners?
In essence, any model will be good for beginners. As long as the keys have a natural feel and the model includes a sustain pedal or the option to add one, then you have enough. From there, and depending on your budget, you can pick out an expensive or more affordable model. If you're 100% certain that playing the piano is your new passion in life, then it makes sense to go for something more expensive, but if you're not totally sure, then a cheaper model will do just fine.
How big is a digital piano?
The length of a digital piano is approximately the same as the length of any acoustic upright piano, while the height is usually a bit lower since no there's no big cabinet needed to house all of the strings and inner mechanics. However, there are some models these days that are designed to really emulate an upright, so do have big, full-sized cabinets to complete the feel. The depth of a digital piano varies. The width of most digital pianos is comparable to uprights, but there are also slimmer models designed for smaller living spaces. Digital pianos with a full, grand-piano-style cabinet still take up less space than a real grand piano, where all of that extra space inside the bigger cabinet is used to house the speaker system.
How much do digital pianos cost?
The cost of digital pianos varies dramatically. As the price of a digital piano gets lower, the design changes, so it might be that it doesn't come with a self-standing frame and is less like a piece of furniture. But you can sometimes pick up a compatible frame later on. Models that do come complete with a frame start at around the £300 to £400 mark, while the most expensive models can reach as high as £6,000. Thankfully, there's a lot to choose from in between.
What's a reasonable price for the best digital piano?
If you want a really excellent instrument complete with lush, convincing sound, playing feel, and a powerful sound system, then it's worth paying around £1,000 up. This price bracket includes models that don't include a self-standing frames as well as models that do.
What's the difference between cheap and expensive digital pianos?
There are three main differences between cheaper digital pianos and more expensive digital pianos. First, the housing of expensive models is often made from good quality, solid wood, while the cabinet of cheaper models tends to be built from pressed composite wood with a veneer, which is unlikely to be that big a deal breaker for most people. Second, the sound system of more expensive models is likely to pack more power and include a good integrated amplifier as well as woofers and tweeters, while a cheaper model will have a much smaller system on board. However, you can also couple them with a good set of headphones or connect them up to an external speaker system. Finally, there's the functionality, which essentially comes down to what you're looking for, so make sure to read through all the descriptions and specifications of any model that catches your eye so you know exactly what you're getting.
Are there any similarities between expensive and cheaper digital pianos?
The electronics of any digital piano is largely the same, no matter the price. When developing a sample-based digital piano, manufacturers record the separate notes of a specific concert grand piano which takes a lot of work, so instead of making fresh recordings for each different edition in a series of digital pianos, you'll often find that the cheaper models in the range actually use the same sound chip and set of samples as the most expensive in the range. In other words, the core sound of the budget-model is no different from the core sound of the high-end model. The difference between the two models lies in the quality of the speaker system, the build of the housing and other extra features and functions.
Why get a digital piano instead of an acoustic piano?
New digital pianos are cheaper than new acoustic pianos. They're also much lighter and easier to move around, and they won't need tuning up every year. Digital pianos also come fitted with a headphone output as standard, and even when you're not using your headphones, you can control the volume of the integrated sound system. Digital pianos can offer some useful additional features, including different sounds, a built-in recorder, reverb effects, and other nice little extras. On top of that, a digital piano puts the full sound of a concert grand piano in the comfort of your own living room.
Why get an acoustic piano instead of a digital piano?
Since it naturally amplifies the sound of the strings, the cabinet of any acoustic piano functions as the speaker, while a digital piano relies solely on the quality of the built-in woofers and tweeters. As such, acoustic pianos have a consistently lush, airy, and sparkling sound. Acoustic pianos don't need any power either, so save on energy. In short, there's really no true substitute for a genuine acoustic piano.
What should I look out for when buying a digital piano?
First: where are you planning to put it? If you have limited space, then you'll want to look for a slimmer model. What kind of interior will your new digital piano complete? A high-gloss white or black model looks perfect in more modern interiors, while rooms full of furniture made of light wood are better matched with models with a light wood finish.
What are the best digital pianos at Bax Music?
We stock digital pianos in every price bracket, so there's no need for any beginner pianists to empty their bank account to get a good model. For any more experienced or ambitious musicians with more cash to spare, the top-tier pianos will certainly offer excellent quality. The Yamaha Clavinova Series is considered the very best and is also the most acclaimed, and while the Yamaha Arius Series are a small step down in price and are considered more entry-level, they are undeniably stunning instruments. Using their own in-house developed SuperNATURAL modelling technology, Roland are renowned for the quality of their FP Series digital pianos. Korg also offer high-quality models for attainable prices, and Dexibell pianos are also surprisingly extensive considering the price. All of the brands listed above offer the best of the best so are definitely worth a browse, but the 'very best' models will always be the ones that offer the best price-to-quality ratio. Cheaper models made by brands like Casio and Fazley can also offer beginner pianists a surprising amount for their money.
Is a stage piano a good alternative to a digital piano?
A stage piano might be a good alternative if you're OK with a model that doesn't come with a self-standing frame or any built-in speakers. Stage pianos are performance tools, so they're not really designed to sit in a living room. This is why stage pianos don't have any form of integrated sound system, since they're simply plugged into the PA speakers on stage. And since it's much more awkward to lug a full piano-style frame from gig to gig than a keyboard stand, the frame just isn't necessary.
Is a MIDI keyboard a good alternative to a digital piano?
A MIDI keyboard can definitely be a good alternative as long as you have some kind of sound-generating equipment as well. On its own, a MIDI keyboard can't actually produce any sound. Instead, it serves as a controller for triggering sounds via computer software . If you want to put a MIDI keyboard in your living room, you also have to set up a computer and some speakers - the kind of setup you would see in a recording studio - so it's perhaps less attractive than an upright-piano style digital piano. It is true that there are some MIDI keyboards loaded with a full-sized, 88-note keyboard with the feel of an acoustic piano, and there's plenty of software that produces grand piano sounds. In fact, the combo of a MIDI keyboard with the right software could even sound better than the sound of a standard digital piano. However, almost any digital piano is fitted with a MIDI port (via USB), so can actually serve as a MIDI keyboard.
What other things will I need to get with my digital piano?
We recommend getting a pair of headphones , which your neighbours will certainly thank you for, and a good pair of headphones can even improve the sound of a piano with a lower-quality sound system. A comfy piano bench is also recommended. It completes the look of your piano and, more importantly, ensures that you're seated at a comfortable height while playing. You might also want a few music books . You can get everything from Adele albums to the Pokémon soundtrack, or Pirates of the Caribbean and full Mozart operas scored for the piano, and there are plenty of study books to help beginner pianists. To shed a little extra light while you study, you could add a purpose-designed piano lamp . And, if you bought a digital piano that didn't come with a frame, then you might want to invest in a strong metal stand . Note: the deluxe wooden piano frames we have available will only be compatible with specific models from the same brand, so if one is available for your model, make sure to pick out the frame that's definitely compatible.
Will my digital piano need a sustain pedal?
If you get a complete upright-style digital piano with a frame, then it will often include a built-in pedal-unit. But this isn't always the case, so make sure to check the description and specifications to be certain. If the model doesn't include any pedals, then it will make sense to pick up a separate sustain pedal. There are three possible options: a switch pedal; a 'spoon-style' pedal; and a full pedal unit. Switch-based pedals are great for beginners, but can be fairly lightweight so they shift around easily. The single 'spoon-style' pedal is the most similar to acoustic piano pedals and is preferred by most pianists. But for pianists seeking the most authentic, acoustic-piano-style feel, a full pedal unit is best since it includes two or three 'spoon-style' pedals. Note: pedal units are often only compatible with specific models and brands so make sure to double check the user manual of your digital piano before picking one out.
Can I hire a digital piano?
Sure! And not just digital pianos. You can actually hire virtually any instrument at Bax Music, and here , you can find more information about how. Hiring a digital piano is a great idea if you're about to take your first piano lessons and want to see how it goes. So, if it doesn't work out, you can simply return the piano once the hire term is up.
Is it worth getting a second-hand digital piano?
This can depend on how old the model is. If you're looking at a second-hand piano that was built in the nineties, then it's likely to be on the edge of giving up the ghost already. You can do much better by going for a model built within the last ten years. The sound will be better, and the keyboard has probably seen far less action. It's also worth taking a look through our B-Stock range. These are usually models that customers have returned to us because they didn't quite work out for them. B-Stock models always function perfectly, and if they've been returned with any scuffs or scratches, then this is always clearly shown in the photos on the product page.
Why get a new digital piano?
The newest digital pianos will generally have the best sound and probably the best keyboard. The difference in functions will also be obvious. Current models often include a built-in recorder or a USB port for playing back MP3s through the integrated sound system. Another good reason for getting a new digital piano is that you're certain that you've got the most up-to-date instrument. It's also more and more common for pianos to be coupled with tablets and smartphone to support interactive apps and other helpful extras. Most people have a smartphone these days, and if some of the functionality of a digital piano is transferred to an app, then the price can stay a little lower. It also removes the need to plant some form of display screen or control panel somewhere on the piano itself.