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SPL RackPack frame voor 8 modules

De RackPack van SPL is een modulair systeem waarmee u de vrijheid heeft zelf uw SPL processor rack samen te stellen. In dit rack passen acht modules. U heeft de keuze uit verschillende modules.

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SPL RackPack 500 frame voor 8 SPL en API 500 modules

De RackPack van SPL is het eerste modulaire systeem waarmee u de vrijheid heeft zelf uw SPL processor en API 500 modules in een rack samen te stellen. In dit rack passen acht modules.

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SPL MixDreamXP 16-channel 19-inch rack mixer

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SPL Passeq parametric equalizer

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SPL PQ recording edition parametrische vijf bands equalizer

De PQ mastering edition van SPL is het summum op het gebied van opname EQ. Deze parametrische EQ heeft vijf banden en een 120 Volt Supra versterker.

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SPL Gain Station 1 mono preamp including ADC

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SPL Gain Station 1 preamplifier including Lundahl and ADC

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SPL GoldMike MK2 tube preamp including ADC

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SPL GoldMike MK2 tube preamp incl. Lundahl and ADC

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SPL Atmos 2 6 kanaals surround voorversterker

Het nieuwe Atmon 2 systeem van SPL is een microfoon voorversterker voor surround opnames. Dit is een voorversterker van top klasse met Lundahl ingang transformatoren.

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SPL Frontliner channel strip with ADC

The Frontliner with ADC digital I/O is the new SPL flagship and is the foundation for all of your professional recordings. There's a compressor, EQ, de-esser and a preamp at your service.

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SPL Frontliner channel strip including Lundahl and ADC

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SPL Channel One channel strip including ADC

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SPL Channel One channel strip including Lundahl and ADC

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SPL Track One Mono channel strip with ADC

The SPL Track One with digital I/O is an entry-level channel but offers the same sound quality as its bigger brothers and features a preamp, compressor, de-esser and 3-band EQ.

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SPL Track One mono channel strip withy Lundahl transformer and ADC

The SPL Track One with digital I/O is an entry-level channel but offers the same sound quality as its bigger brothers and features a preamp, compressor, de-esser and 3-band EQ.

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SPL Twin Tube module inclusief Lundahl I/O voor de RackPack

De Twin Tube module is een buizen effectprocessor voor de Rack Pack. Het brengt de typische warmte van buizen in uw signaal. Buizen saturatie kan worden gebruikt voor subtiele maar ook ruige distortion.

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SPL Passeq equalizer plug-in

De Passeq equalizer plug-in is software gebaseerd op de Passeq hardware equalizer. Hij heeft drie aparte frequentie banden voor boost en cut stages, met in totaal 72 frequenties per kanaal. Deze plug-in ondersteunt Mac en PC.

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SPL Neos 120V monitoring mixer

De SPL Neos beschikt over componenten die allen een 120 Volt spanning krijgen. Normaal ligt dit voor audio-apparatuur op 15 tot 18 Volt. De Neos is perfect voor monitoring applicaties.

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SPL Masterbay S 19-inch patch bay

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SPL Crimson MK2 Black audio interface and monitor controller

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SPL Crimson MK2 White audio interface and monitor controller

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SPL Phonitor X Black headphone amplifier

The black edition of the SPL Phonitor X is not just a headphone amplifier, but also a stereo preamp which, in total, can connect to five input sources.

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SPL Phonitor X Red headphone amplifier

This red X-edition is the logical next step after the Phonitor and the Phonitor 2. An SPL headphone amplifier that also functions as a stereo preamplifier and provides you with sublime-quality monitor sound.

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SPL Phonitor X Silver headphone amplifier

This silver edition of the Phonitor X headphone amplifier produces the same high-quality sound as the other editions of the Pro-Fi series, but in addition, also features some new and exciting extra options.

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SPL Phonitor e Black headphone amplifier

This SPL Phonitor E Black is designed for the selective studio engineer that is looking for a straightforward headphone amplifier with high fidelity monitoring. The Phonitor E offers only the essential features of the X-edition.

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SPL Phonitor e Red headphone amplifier

If you're looking for a no-fuss headphone amplifier, that will give you the high-quality sound of the Phonitor X, this basic red E-type might be just what you're looking for!

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SPL Phonitor e Silver headphone amplifier

Every sound engineer has their own preferences when it comes to their studio equipment. If you're looking for a basic headphone amplifier, but still want excellent hi-fi sound, the SPL Phonitor E Silver might strike your fancy.

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SPL PQ Mastering Equalizer

The SPL mastering equalizer, model 1540/1544, is based on the renowned 2050. This fully parametric dual-channel EQ features five bands per channel that can be activated or deactivated separately.

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SPL Director Black preamp and DA converter

The SPL Director combines a high-end stereo preamplifier and a DA converter that features the Pro-Fi Voltair DAC technology, and functions as the heart of a high fidelity stereo system.

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SPL Director Silver preamp and DA converter

Looking for a preamp of sublime quality with a stylish silver design? Try the SPL Director in silver that, next to functioning as the heart of your studio system, can also function as a Voltair DAC converter.

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SPL Phonos RIAA VOLTAiR Phono preamplifier

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SPL DeS Dual Band De-Esser

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SPL Performer S800 Black power amp

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SPL Performer S800 Red power amp

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SPL Performer S800 Silver power amp

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SPL Crimson audio interface and monitor controller

The SPL Crimson audio interface is an interesting option for studio enthusiasts who want to record up to 4 simultaneous tracks. It doubles as a monitor controller and offers two headphone outputs.

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SPL Phonitor 2 - Silver Edition headphone monitoring amp

SPL's Phonitor 2 is a high-end studio headphone monitoring amplifier that gives you the same stereo image and true monitor sound on your headphones as you get in your studio.

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SPL Phonitor Mini headphone amplifier

The SPL Phonitor Mini is a compact, high-end headphone amplifier that emulates your studio's sound and stereo image via your headphones, enabling you to work all night long without bothering anyone.

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SPL Iron Mastering Compressor

High-grade mastering compression from SPL: The Iron. This is a Vari-Mu compressor that delivers incomparable performance, especially on buses and groups. The quality it delivers is best described as warm, even and open.

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SPL Creon audio interface

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SPL Madicon MADI Interface

The tight SPL Madicon MADI interface boasts an extra S/PDIF monitoring output, and while it's small, this little monster of an interface grants access to a 64-in/64-out MADI network.

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SPL Frontliner Channel Strip with Lundahl Transformers

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SPL GoldMike MK2 AD Premium 2-Channel Microphone Preamp with Lundahl Transformers

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