If you want to get down to some serious audio editing, Sony SpectraLayers Pro 2 is the right way to go. Version 1 of this software package was already quite popular among professionals and a market leader in the audio spectrum editing business. The program has been developed to rid audio files of unwanted sounds with minute precision, and allows you, for instance, to remove the sound of a passing car from a film soundtrack.
Isolating frequencies in SpectraLayers Pro 2
SpectraLayers' exceptional results are accomplished by giving the user visual control over all audio frequencies. That means the interface doesn't show the usual, sound level-based waveform. Select the fundamental frequency of the sound you want to remove and SpectraLayers automatically includes the matching overtones in the selection. That way it is possible to remove annoying sounds without leaving audible traces.
New features in version 2
Naturally a whole arsenal of effective and accessible tools is at your disposal to accomplish the aforementioned feats. Version 2 of Sony SpectraLayers Pro offers a number of enhancements and new features. For starters, the software is up to eight times faster than its predecessor. Other improvements include various new tools, enhanced pitch-shifting, one-click extraction and spectral casting/molding, which enables you to transfer frequency signatures directly from one layer to another. The seamless integration with Sound Forge Pro 11 is a great benefit too!
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