We kunnen het niet genoeg benadrukkken. Over de totale looptijd van uw investering zijn de kosten van een Martin Mac movinghead lager dan de kosten van elk ander merk moving head. De basis aanschafprijs van een Martin is weliswaar hoger t.o.v. andere movingheads, daar staat wel tegenover.
- Lage onderhoudskosten. Martin movingheads zijn door en door betrouwbaar.
- Extreem hoge restwaarde. Een 5 jaar oude Mac wordt nu nog verkocht voor 65 - 70% van de oorspronkelijke investering. Dus slechts 6% afschrijving per jaar.
- Technisch superieur, de lichtopbrengt van de martin en de afwerking zijn niet te vergelijken met de vele andere mh`s op de markt.
- Elk zelfrespecterend verhuurbedrijf heeft mac`s in zijn assortiment, dus eenvoudig bij te huren.
- Martin heeft zijn reputatie en daardoor weet u dat er in kwaliteit wordt geinvesteerd.
The industry standard MAC 600 is a powerful wash light with a CMY color mixing system, 440° of pan and 306° of tilt and a fast and smooth movement.
This mood and atmosphere generator produces a wide variety of colors and effects through instant, smooth positioning. Along with the MAC 500, it is one of the most successful automated moving heads in the lighting industry.
A unique CMY color mixing system creates virtually unlimited color shades and ensures uniform color mixing. Martin’s system software offers flexible color programming and a wide variety of color presets. The 4-position color wheel offers red, green and blue dichroic glass filters plus 5600/3200K color temperature correction.
Three focal options are available - 18° near angle, 25° standard and 65° diffusion. No tools are required to change between them. The sidelight protector controls beam projection at the point of emergence by preventing unwanted light spill. A separate mechanical shutter allows for variable strobe up to 8Hz. The specially coated aluminum dimmer controls intensity from full open to blackout with microstep smoothness.
The head of the MAC 600 features 440° of horizontal pan and 306° of vertical tilt. Self-adjusting motor belts ensure smooth, quick adjustments. A unique beam shaping system dynamically changes the beam for easier coverage of facades, stages and architectural forms. The adjusted beam provides precise illumination without loss of beam intensity. The frost filter provides a soft, diffused beam - when engaged the field angle widens. A color filter adapter provides for any CTC or dichroic option.
Dedicated anchoring points, a safety wire attachment point, a quarter turn fastening system and a mid-pan-range locator make for trouble free rigging. Convenient, secure snap-locks make for easy component accessibility. Maintenance is simple.
A 4-digit LED readout allows the user to customize settings for easy programming. Error messages are easily understood, lamp and fixture usage is displayed and the readout flips for easy reading in any position. A powerful 575-watt discharge lamp provides up to 2000 hours of lamp life.
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