We kunnen het niet genoeg benadrukkken. Over de totale looptijd van uw investering zijn de kosten van een Martin Mac movinghead lager dan de kosten van elk ander merk moving head. De basis aanschafprijs van een Martin is weliswaar hoger t.o.v. andere movingheads, daar staat wel tegenover.
- Lage onderhoudskosten. Martin movingheads zijn door en door betrouwbaar.
- Extreem hoge restwaarde. Een 5 jaar oude Mac wordt nu nog verkocht voor 65 - 70% van de oorspronkelijke investering. Dus slechts 6% afschrijving per jaar.
- Technisch superieur, de lichtopbrengt van de martin en de afwerking zijn niet te vergelijken met de vele andere mh`s op de markt.
- Elk zelfrespecterend verhuurbedrijf heeft mac`s in zijn assortiment, dus eenvoudig bij te huren.
- Martin heeft zijn reputatie en daardoor weet u dat er in kwaliteit wordt geinvesteerd.
The MAC 250 Krypton is a high performance profile with a separate gobo and color wheel, an achromatic lens system and a rotating prism.
A new and improved glass reflector produces extremely high light output. The high precision achromatic lens system maximizes optical efficiency of the included Philips MSD 250/2 lamp for superb picture quality. The multi-layer dichroic reflector minimizes thermal stress and delivers a beautifully even beam.
New gobo designs
A newly designed rotating and indexing gobo wheel offers a new selection of replaceable metal and dichroic gobos giving the MAC 250 Krypton an original and fresh look. The 16-bit precision gobo wheel houses 7 slots plus open, and the new design makes gobo changes fast and easy.
Color is provided from a motorized color wheel housing 12 replaceable dichroic color filters plus open with split position possibilities.
Martin’s fastest moving head ever
New pan and tilt motor technology produces improved movement, making the new MAC 250 fixtures the fastest moving heads that Martin has ever manufactured - and faster than competitive fixtures. The automatic reset function is ultra fast, realigning the fixture in seconds if knocked out of position.
Modular design
The design of the MAC 250 Krypton is unashamedly inspired by the larger MAC 2000. The new design is highly efficient, making service and maintenance easier with fast access to modules and critical components.
A full range dimmer/shutter is very fast and allows for smooth color and effect transitions by varying the intensity of the light output. Strobe effects are possible up to 20 Hz.
Prism and focus
A bi-directional, 3-facet prism is smooth and rotates at variable speeds, adding unique effects to gobo projection. The prism can also be replaced giving lighting professionals an added customizable feature. The MAC 250 Krypton is also equipped with a remote focus and various preset patterns.
The Krypton also includes a new light sensitive yellow display, as well as 3 and 5 pin XLR connectors for data, and a convenient, easily switchable power supply covering worldwide voltages and frequencies.