This Schwarz R-18 pan flute is the most common size available, and offers a wide tonal range that goes from G to C, so it's suitable for playing all kinds of music. This affordable instrument has bamboo pipes for an authentic sound and has been tuned with wax. If you've been meaning to get acquainted with this unique wind instrument, then order this Schwarz pan flute today!
Tragic history
Have you ever wondered about the origins of the pan flute? It was named after Pan, a character from Greek mythology with the lower-body and horns of a goat and the upper body of a human. He was in love with a nymph called Syrinx, but the feeling was not mutual. When he pursued her, she prayed to the gods to protect her from losing her virginity, which they did by turning her into a reed cane. In frustration, Pan blew across the reed, which produced a tone. He decided to cut it off and make a flute out of it, which is why the ancient Greeks called the pan flute 'syrinx'.