Offers & Promos

Take a Time-Based Trip with the MXR Joshua Ambient Echo

Friday 2 February 2024 by Kim | Bax Music

In the tight form of the M309 Joshua Ambient Echo, MXR might have served up the ultimate compact delay. Via an ultra-detailed set of controls, this stompbox puts a vast array of big, hair-raising soundscapes at your disposal.

A Full Rack Unit in One Itty-Bitty Box

MXR presents the M309 Joshua Ambient Echo: an ultra-extensive delay that's capable of spitting everything from trippy sixties-style delay to atmospheric eighties-style delay. This pedal even matches up to the power of the rack units of old - hence the nod to the classic U2 album, 'Joshua Tree' - because that's exactly the Edge-worthy quality of sound you're looking at.

The MXR Joshua Ambient Echo: Easy Going Controls

The Joshua keeps things simple, so even a novice will be able to navigate the clear control layout, especially since MXR have been kind enough to set the foundation sound for you. For the more experimental guitarist, there's plenty to explore, not just thanks to the detailed set of pots, but the direct access to a tap-tempo and even a hold mode, so you can lay down a sonic rug and build your soundscapes on top. For even deeper control, an external expression pedal can also be hooked up, essentially turning the MXR M309 Joshua Ambient Echo into a one-stop-shop for any die-hard delay-heads.

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