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Steinberg and Windows 10

Friday 21 August 2015

On 3 August, we warned you about the risks of updating to Windows 10 too hastily. Overly cautious? Unnecessary? Maybe. However, Steinberg shared our concerns and took it upon themselves to investigate. Curious to see what they found out? Keep on reading!

The general conclusion of the investigation is that there are indeed a few Windows 10 compatibility problems for some of Steinberg's products. Serious performance and timing issues came to light, for instance, for products like Cubase Pro 8, Nuendo 7 and the UR audio interfaces. Steinberg is now working on these problems, and we expect they'll be solved shortly. For a complete list of tested products and possible issues, check out this overview on the Steinberg web site.

Once again, we'd like to repeat our previous advice: give it some time, and wait for initial bugs to be fixed. That goes for Steinberg hardware and software as well as products from other manufacturers. When it comes to new operating systems, it doesn't always pay off to be an early adopter, after all.

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