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Win £250 in Credit with Your Gear ReviewBy writing your own hand-penned gear review, you’re not just helping us out - you’re helping other music-makers find exactly what they’re looking for. And, by writing your gear review, you get the chance to win £250 in store credit! We pick one lucky winner every week, so get writing! Read on to find out how it all works.
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Gear Review GuidelinesWhen reviewing anything we stock, we kindly ask that you bear the following guidelines in mind. Please note that reviews that don’t follow these guidelines may not be posted on the Bax Music website.
The Winning Bax Music Review - Week 47 2024Les Allen has won £250 worth of Bax Music store credit with the following product review about the Fender Tone Master Pro: "Been thinking about this for a while and took then plunge despite the cost. Absolutely delighted with it as it is so intuitive and enables endless possibilities for tweaking your sound. It has encouraged me to explore the intricacies of tones more that ever before as a result. I have linked it to a Fender Mustang GTX amp which adds even more dimensions"