Big Fish Audio 808 Earthquake

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Big Fish Audio 808 Earthquake
Product no: 9000-0050-0133 Bax Music Warranty: This product comes with a manufacturing defects warranty.


Product features

Audio format Kontakt, WAV, Stylus RMX, REX and Apple Loops
Plug-in format Native Instruments Kontakt
Type of sample CD/DVD beats / hiphop / urban

Weight and dimensions including packaging

Weight (incl. packaging) 0 gr
Dimensions (incl. packaging) Not yet known

Eastwest Promotion: 50% Off Almost All Software Libraries!

Thursday 27 June 2019 By Richard | Bax Music

In order to celebrate Independence Day in the United States, music software giant Eastwest has come up with a great promotion. For a limited time only, they're selling most of their software libraries for just half the usual price. That's right, 50% off!

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