DMX is often a bit too much for lighting at home, or in pubs, bars, and small clubs. In those cases, an analogue or infrared remote control might be a better choice. But what if you can combine best of both worlds? Eurolite offers the IR2DMX receiver, allowing you to make use of a separately available remote control.
How the IR2DMX works
The IR2DMX features a special interface with infrared receiver. The interface features programs and operating modes for all the five-channel Eurolite DMX lighting effects and spotlights, and it works effortlessly with the KLS series. It's even possible to control up to four individual PAR cans.
Benefits of the infrared interface
With this interface, controlling your lighting becomes a lot easier. You will remain in full control of your lighting, but in a much easier, more efficient way. The interface can easily be mounted to the ceiling, to a wall, or a beam - right where your lighting effects are.
Tips or comments about this product
The Eurolite IR2DMX comes without remote control. You can order one separately.