Hohner's MS series includes this very stylish, elegant harmonica, the Pro Harp MS. If you're serious about playing the harmonica and you like rock, soul and blues music, then this is the perfect instrument for you. Its shiny, modern design shows you that Hohner is capable of more than revamping traditional classics. This Pro Harp is tuned to the key of F and is often used as a cross harp in the key of C. For many professionals, this harmonica makes a great addition to their existing collection of Marine Bands and Special 20s.
The Hohner Pro Harp MS
The first thing you'll probably notice about this harmonica are its black cover plates, which are normally silver. The stainless-steel covers have been given a black finish to give this instrument a modern, new image so it can be used in more modern musical genres. Combined with a black plastic mouthpiece and brown comb, the Pro Harp looks elegant and stylish. Of course, this harmonica isn't chosen by professionals for its looks alone. Its sound is nothing less than phenomenal. Hohner used deep brass reeds in a plastic housing to give it its full, powerful sound.
The Hohner MS series
The German brand Hohner was founded 150 years ago, which means they are the specialists when it comes to top-notch harmonicas that meet the demands of their customers. Despite this excellent craftsmanship, however, sometimes a harmonica can break or get damaged, or need a part replaced. For this purpose, Hohner offers the MS series, which stands for Modular System. All five models in this range—the Blues Harp, the Big River, the Pro Harp, the Meisterklasse and the JJ Milteau Deep Blues—are all completely unique and each component of these harmonicas is available separately. That means that you can upgrade your current MS-series harmonica and customise it to create your own individual sound!
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