Royer Labs dBooster In-Line Microphone Preamplifier

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Royer Labs dBooster In-Line Microphone Preamplifier
Product no: 9000-0053-9466 Bax Music Warranty: This product comes with a 3-year warranty.


Ribbon microphones are infamously known for their low output, typically demand a lot of gain, and struggle with long cables due to their high impedance. With the dBooster from Royer, all of that is easily solved. This in-line mic preamp runs on phantom power and ensures an improved signal-to-noise ratio. Hook it up using a short cable, then feel free to send the boosted signal to the other side of your studio down any 10+ metre cable.


Product features

Sustainable product not specified

Weight and dimensions including packaging

Weight (incl. packaging) 200 gr
Dimensions (incl. packaging) 12,5 x 8,7 x 6,5 cm

Product specifications

  • Royer dBooster
  • in-line microphone preamp
  • requires phantom power
  • switchable between 12 and 20 dB gain
Description Type Language Extension
Royer Labs dBooster handleiding Manual Dutch

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