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New Compact ERS by Briteq

Monday 11 January 2016

The new Briteq BT-MINIPROFILE may be compact, but it also sports a highly sharp price tag! You don't need to break the bank to own this great new ERS!

ERS features

Ellipsoidal reflector spotlights (ERS) are great for precision lighting. They are used to light certain paintings in an exposition, for instance, or particular objects on stage and products in a window display. By using the framing shutters (four sliders positioned at the front of the light), you can adjust the shape of the beam to suit the shape of whatever it is you're lighting. The highly energy-efficient BT-MINIPROFILE offers warm, white light, and it's great for small to medium-sized events.

Settings and lenses

It's not just the shape of the beam that's adjustable, you can even tweak the sharpness of the edges and the focus. Furthermore, you can easily dim the ERS by inserting the mains plug into a standard 230V dimmer pack. To allow you to choose the right beam angle for your purposes, there are two separately available lenses for the BT-MINIPROFILE. There's a 16-degree version and a 26-degree version, both of which are very affordable.

Keep an eye on the relevant product pages for up-to-date information on availability and pricing.

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