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NAMM 2016: Yamaha Updates DTX E-Drum Series!

Saturday 23 January 2016

For years, Yamaha E-drums have been known to offer authentic drum sounds and unique drum pads. It's hard to top Yamaha's compact electronic drums kits in their price-to-quality ratio, and they keep innovating, trying to incorporate their customers' wishes into their latest models. That's why they're proud to present the latest models in their DTX E-Drum series: the DTX720K, DTX760K, and from the brand new DTX900 series, the DTX920K!

Professional Feel & Sound

Each new drum kit in the DTX series builds upon the existing foundations, and adds in features that drummers from all over the world have requested. With the great popularity of the DTX700 series, we're curious what Yamaha has done to make sure they keep innovating. Let's take a closer look...

“What we've done is to make the best quality electronic drums even more player-friendly for more drummers, and with more new features,” says Steven Fisher, marketing manager for Yamaha. So how have they made their drums more user-friendly? Let's look at the most important aspect for acoustic drummers who play e-drums: the pads. Yamaha clearly made an effort to improve the playing experience and made the pads more responsive and realistic than ever. What's more, they have 3 playable zones, meaning you can get a multitude of realistic sounds out of just one drum pad. The cymbals pads also have 3 zones, and will recognise choke and pre-choke.

Module and configurations

The features and possibilities of the DTX700 and DTX900 modules have also been upgraded, and they can now be controlled using the DTX700Touch App for iOS devices. For individual kit configurations and more information, be sure to check out the relevant product pages.


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