NAMM 2016: IK Multimedia iRig BlueTurn - Never Let Go of Your Instrument |
Wednesday 6 January 2016 by Lizanne | |
Any musician who has worked with digital sheet music will be familiar with the less-than-ideal method of 'turning' pages on an iPhone, iPad or tablet. If you don't have someone to do it for you, you have no other option than to interrupt your playing to do it yourself. That's annoying enough during individual practise sessions at home, but it's unthinkable during rehearsals with your ensemble! Thanks to the iRig BlueTurn by IK Multimedia, however, this problem is a thing of the past! With this wireless page turner, you can navigate through your digital sheet music with your foot, so your hands are free to conduct, play or present. Digital comfortThe development of apps that allow you to view sheet music on your iPhone, iPad or tablet has been a great improvement on using traditional sheet music on paper. Every musician who has tried to turn the page of their sheet music and seen their entire score slide off their music stand at the most inopportune moment knows what we're talking about. When you use the iRig BlueTurn, however, you won't have to let go of your instrument at all to turn to the next page. Instead, simply press one of the pads on this compact, rugged, yet lightweight pedal with your foot. Bluetooth and illuminated foot padsIK Multimedia understands what a musicians needs, and realises they often need to see in the dark. That's why the two buttons on the iRig BlueTurn light up. Even on a dark stage, you will be able to control exactly which page you want to view on your iPhone, iPad or tablet. The very latest Bluetooth 4.0 functionality ensures not only a wireless connection, but uses a minimal amount of power as well, which prolongs the lifespan of your batteries. Whether you're playing an instrument at home or for a large audience, conducting an orchestra or even giving a presentation, the IK Multimedia's iRig BlueTurn will get you started on the right foot! Keep an eye on the product pages for up-to-date information on availability and pricing.
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