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Musikmesse 2016: Audac Introduces Five New Amplifiers

Friday 8 April 2016 by Richard | Bax Music

Belgian professional audio company Audac have introduced five new amplifiers. These class D model's names all begin with the letters EPA and come in three 2-channel versions and two 4-channel versions. They automatically switch themselves to Standby mode when there is no audio signal and with passive cooling they are virtually maintenance free.

Four-channel powerhouse

Let's begin with the EPA104 and EPA254 models. Audac has given the first model 4x 100 watts of power, while the second is capable of producing 4x 250 watts. Both are made to fit in a 19-inch rack, which makes them ideal for mobile installations. Each of the four channels can be used separately, or they can be used as two independent stereo channels. In combination with a subwoofer, these amps can form part of a complete compact stereo installation thanks to their integrated active crossover.

Two channels instead of four?

If two channels are enough then you should take a look at the EPA152, the EPA252 and the EPA502. These produce 2x 150 watts, 2x 250 watts and 2x 500 watt of power respectively. Unlike the four-channel versions, these amps are not stereo. Apart from that, they are identical. When they are in Standby mode, their power consumption is less than 1 watt. When they're being pushed to their absolute limits, they are protected from overheating, short circuits and power supply problems thanks to the advanced wiring. The amps are fitted with terminal connectors as well as XLR connectors for versatility.

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