Especially for those who like turquoise, Beats have released an appealing set of headphones. The Beats By Dre Solo HD New Matte Teal headphones is a great product for the hipsters among us. This sleek & stylish gadget is perfect if you like a distinctive look. Dr. Dre also has other colours available, such as the black-and-white version.
Sound and comfort of the Solo HD New Matte Teal
A sleek design and an original colour on your head might be nice for your Instagram pics, but that's not what matters most (really!) Sound is equally important, and Dr. Dre won't disappoint you. The trebles are as bright as a thousand suns while the basses are as deep as the Pacific Ocean. You'll use them for hours on end without even noticing you're actually wearing them.
Construction and controls
The headphones are flexible and strong, thanks to a metal strip that has been placed in the headband. The ear cups can be folded so you can store them in the accessory carrying pouch, which is very practical during transport. The cable features a remote for controlling your phone. In other words: you can walk through town with your phone in your pocket, while answering phone calls with the remote. It also allows you to control the music player of your phone (Apple, HTC, Blackberry, Android).
Tips or comments about this product
- Remote and microphone are suited for iPod, iPhone, iPad, HTC, Blackberry and Android. However, available functions might differ per model.