Offers & Promos

Bass Guitar - Free Tips & Tricks

You’ve finally found the right gear in our bass guitar department and put together your ideal bass guitar setup, but now you need to learn to charm the dicky-birds from the trees with nothing but your skills. Because learning to play any musical instrument is always toughest at the start, we’ve put together a series of bass guitar lessons to make your life easier. So get signed up and start learning!

Why Sign Up?

Gain access to a clear and accessible series of 5 electric bass guitar lessons

 Every two days, we’ll drop the next lesson in your inbox

 Read 3 practical blogs, get a gear-tip and learn some trivia with every lesson

 Get a great introduction the moment your bass guitar’s in your hands

Click through the in-blog links to explore our library of tips, guides and explainers


How Does it Work? It’s Simple:

1. Sign up: All you need to do is fill in your first name and your email address before hitting the Submit button. Go straight to the form below.

2. Enjoy your 5 free lessons: You’ll get your first lesson within moments of signing up, and every two days after that, we’ll drop a new lesson in your inbox. After your five-lesson course is over, we’ll stop sending you emails and leave you in peace to practise your new skills. You can opt-out from the lessons at any time by clicking on the Unsubscribe button in the email. See the full lesson list below.

   Bass Technique for Beginners
   The History of the Bass (Plus Tips)
   Playing Arpeggios
   Writing Bass Lines
   Setting Up Your Bass

Sign Up Now And Start Playing!


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