Hoe leer ik als drummer meerdere stijlen spelen?

Whether you’ve just started playing or you’ve been at it for years, every musician faces the same challenge at some point: you want to learn the rhythm or the groove of a track but it’s not working out. Maybe you’re confronted by a new technique that you’ve never tried out before and it seems impossible to learn. Are there any tricks that drummers can have up their sleeves to avoid the frustration? To be fair, there’s only one trick: broaden your horizons by taking on every genre going, and never fear any strange and new playing techniques.

Get Out of the Comfort Zone & Let Other Genres In

Maybe you’ve always been a devoted rock or metal fan, so it’s safe to say that rock and metal and all of the other sub-genres that fall under the same category feature heavily in your playing style. If you’re a true metal-head then you might be forgiven for skipping over pop (or so the stereotype dictates), but allowing other genres and styles into your playing will only have a positive effect on your technique and your style. In other words: get out of your comfort zone!

For Example:

Say you’re enjoying a beer in a pub you’ve never been to before and suddenly, a spontaneous jam session sparks up. There’s even a drum kit sitting waiting on a small raised podium in the corner. All of your mates know you’re a drummer and push you onto the stage to join in with the blues jam. Here, your exceptional ability to spit blast-beats at 260 BPM isn’t going to help you. Even jazz drummers would struggle in this situation. If you don’t have the chops to roll out a simple yet solid backbeat, then sorry, but you’re essentially useless.

Do You Already Know Enough?

Maybe you’re already more than satisfied with your skills as they are and you’re not interested in playing anything but the genre you know you’re already good at. Of course, that’s totally fine, but if you want to grow as a musician and maybe eventually build yourself a career as a drummer, then stepping out of your comfort zone now will be an enormous help later on.

Hoe leer ik als drummer meerdere stijlen spelen?

How Do You Stop Comfort Zoning?

It sounds easy, doesn’t it: ‘Just step out of your comfort zone!’, but I totally understand how difficult it actually is. When I started playing, I was a rock and metal drummer, and still am. But now, I’ve found a way of putting my own spin on other styles and genres. The thing that really helped me get there was to simply listen! Stick on a playlist of blues, jazz or funk classics and just listen. Maybe it’ll never be your cup of tea (trust me, you’re missing out) but just listen closely to the interaction between the instruments, the specific rhythmic and sonic decisions that have been made and let yourself be inspired. If you’re sitting behind your drum kit with this kind of mindset then you’ve already come pretty far. Another important thing to say is: don’t get greedy. Another way of putting this is, avoid becoming a ‘jack of all trades, master of none’. Rather than knowing a little bit about a lot of things, focus on one style at a time and really try to nail it and understand it.

Train, Train, Train and Train Some More!

For some drummers, this might not be the most fun side of the game. Naturally, you need to keep enjoying drumming, but some exercises simply demand some grit and perseverance, and it’s exactly this kind of work that’s worth your time and concentration. Go easy on yourself and start slow. For example, if you’re learning a blues rhythm or a shuffle, start at a low tempo and use a metronome. Keep speeding things up until you notice that you start losing control. Do this again and again until you can play comfortably at the right tempo. It’s also more productive to have a concentrated practice session like this that lasts for maybe 30 minutes, than just muddling around for four hours. Try packing your playing with a lot of dynamics as well. If you can play everything at a perfectly even volume like a drum machine, you’ll never really ‘feel’ the groove. Try to find the sweet spot in all of the details and nuances and really get into the art of it.

I Don’t Need Any Drum Lessons, Right?

Maybe you’re reading this blog and thinking: “Ok, I’m a pretty good drummer already. I don’t need lessons any more. I just need to work harder.” In response, I’ll drop this wee reminder: drum lessons are not just for beginners. The biggest error you can make as a musician is to think that you’ve learnt everything. There is always something to learn – and especially from other people. Taking drum lessons might help you to master things faster and progress faster, which will only boost your motivation. So when it comes to lessons – there are only positives.

De 7 leukste percussie-instrumenten voor pop en rock

Experiment With Your Material

It might sound obvious, but I’m going to say it anyway: if you’re a metal drummer with a kit wired up with triggers then a tasty and groovy shuffle won’t immediately flow from your sticks. If you’re a funk drummer who likes to keep his drumheads tuned nice and high, then pounding out some ‘80s arena rock probably won’t work out either. In other words: just experiment with your current setup or try something new. For example, try out some different drumheads or drumsticks. Try adding some percussion to your kit like a tambourine, a cowbell (everyone needs more cowbell), or a shaker. Even small tweaks like this can help you get to grips with different styles. With some styles it’s even necessary to expand your arsenal to get the sound right.

In Short, Keep Your Mind Open

Getting better at playing other music styles demands, above all else, one simple thing: keeping your mind open to music you don’t know yet and, naturally, never give up! There will be days when it seems impossible, but as long as you remain focussed and maintain a motivated and structured approach, then it will always work out in the end!

See also

» How do I become a drummer?
» What are the Four Most Important Drum Rudiments?
» The Four Most Important Drum Rhythms
» Independence Exercises for Drummers
» 5 Legendary Drum Parts
» How to Build Maximum-Impact Drum Solos
» How to Drum Faster
» Writing Your Own Drum Beats
» How to Hold Your Drumsticks

» All Drums & Percussion

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