Radial 19-Inch Panels & Adapters

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  • Maarten Maarten
Special offers

Radial J-RAK 4 1U Rack Mount for 4x Radial DI Boxes

Using the Radial J-RAK 4, you can easily flesh out your 19" rack with various bits of Radial-made gear. This rack mount unit offers room for up to four Radial DI boxes, splitters or reampers and can be effortlessly combined with other rack mounts from the series.

Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Recommended price £207.00

Radial J-RAK 8 2U Rack Mount for 8 Radial DI Boxes

The Radial J-RAK 8 rack mount offers room for up to 8 Radial devices like DI boxes, splitters and re-amp gear while taking up just 2U.

Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Recommended price £256.00

Radial SA19-RA 19-inch Rack Adapter

The Radial SA19-RA rack mount allows you to mount one or two compatible pieces of gear in your rack, including Radial's Backtrack, Cherry Picker, Gold Digger, JX-42, MC3, Twinline, JDI Duplex, EXTC-SA, Headload Prodigy and Phazer.

Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Recommended price £100.00

Radial SixPack Rack Adapter 19-inch Rack Mounting Kit

Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Order now and receive delivery within approx. 8 business days
Recommended price £85.00
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